Building data form
0 to 1 feature to input qualifying information

Project snapshot
Giuseppe, front end engineer
Tom, back end engineer
Lauren, product designer
Yaniv, operations
Ramona, customer success
Initial Project Brief
For each project, customers must share a critical but complex set of data: energy data. A building’s energy data determine what type of solar system the customer should build for their property. The current process of back and forth emails with little guidance was a toll on our customers and our internal team's ability to provide insightful value in a timely manner.
Project timeline
Feb — March 2023
Apr 2023
Business case to solve now
In order to meet the company’s targeted GPV (Gross Project Value), the team assessed the process of giving energy data need to be better to model energy savings quickly.
Lumen Energy Company and Product
Lumen Energy enable commercial real estate owners and tenants to profitability decarbonize their buildings. Currently, the company focuses on creating an end to end process of modeling, financing and building solar projects. Our product serves real estate owners and tenants who are typically motivated by financial and environmental impacts.
What is energy data collection?
The internal operations team of Lumen Energy analyzes each building to see if it has desirable financial and carbon emissions impact. We do an initial estimate through our automated analysis, then do a second round of analysis by collecting energy data to get more precise estimations of savings.
Current customers and our internal team already experience the difficulties of the process.
“No one person at a CRE firm knows who holds the utility credentials for all properties.”
- Customer Success Team Member
“I was able to track down the PGE login for Building A, could you show me how to input that on the site to allow direct access to the utility data? For Building B, Tenant C handles directly so we can...ask for their help integrating the data.”
— Email response from Customer A